Routes to your North East Roots – Saturday 26th September 2015

Following last year’s successful Homecoming event at Haddo House last year, the Aberdeen and North East Scotland Ancestral Tourism Partnership would like to invite you to join us in Stonehaven Town Hall on Saturday 26th September 2015 between 10.30am to 4.30pm for a free Family History and Heritage event.

You’ll be able to chat to people from the Aberdeen and North East Scotland Family History Society, the Family History Society of Buchan, the Aberdeenshire Libraries Local Studies team, the National Records of Scotland and Deceased Online.  There will also be stalls from the Special Collections Centre at the University of Aberdeen, Grampian Books, Kincardineshire Ancestors, and many more!

A series of talks will also be taking place throughout the day, as follows:

11:30am – Gordon Casely on ‘Heraldry for Family History’

1:00pm – ‘Coming Soon on ScotlandsPeople: Forthcoming Record Additions’ with Tristram Clarke, National Record of Scotland.

2:30pm – well known genealogist and blogger Chris Paton will be speaking on the subject of church records and the genealogical gems they can contain.

We look forward to seeing you all there!